Optimization of CO2/H2 Separation over Ba-SAPO-34 Zeolite Membrane Synthesized by Microwave Heating
出版日期:2022-08-30 00:00:00
著者:Tiffany Yit Siew Ng; Vinosha Viriya; Thiam Leng Chew; Yin Fong Yeong; Abdul Latif Ahmad; Chii-Dong Ho; Zeinab Abbas Jawad
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:Membranes 12(9), 850
摘要:CO2/H2 separation using membrane technology is an important research area in order to obtain high purity hydrogen as one source of clean energy. Finding a suitable inorganic membrane is one of the critical issues, which needs to be explored for CO2/H2 separation. In the present study, Ba-SAPO-34 zeolite membrane was synthesized and followed by a modification process. CO2/H2 separation of the membrane was investigated by varying the independent process variables (CO2 % in the feed, pressure difference across the membrane and temperature). Modeling and optimization for the responses (CO2/H2 separation selectivity and CO2 permeance) was performed by applying response surface methodology and central composite design, which is available in Design Expert software. The accuracy of the models in predicting the response was tested by comparing with the experimental value of response and the two values were in good agreement. The optimization of the models gave CO2 permeance of 19.23 × 10−7 mol/m2 s Pa and CO2/H2 separation selectivity of 11.6 at 5% CO2 in the feed, a pressure difference of 100 kPa, and temperature of 30 °C for Ba-SAPO-34 zeolite membrane.
關鍵字:zeolite membrane;Ba-SAPO-34;CO2/H2 separation;response surface methodology
收錄於:SCI EI