Investigation of Parameter Sensitivity and the Physical Mechanism for the Formation of a Core-Skin-Core (CSC) Structure in Two-Stage Co-Injection Molding
出版日期:2022-11-05 00:00:00
著者:Chao-Tsai Huang*, You-Ti Rao, Kuan-Yu Ko, Chih-Chung Hsu, You-Sheng Zhou, Chia-Hsiang Hsu, Rong-Yue Chang, Shi-Chang Tseng and Likey Chen
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:Polymers 14(21), 4747
摘要:One of the main challenges in co-injection molding is how to predict the skin to core morpholo-gy accurately and then manage it properly, especially after skin material has been broken through. In this study, the formation of the Core-Skin-Core (CSC) structure and its physical mechanism in a two-stage co-injection molding has been studied based on the ASTM D638 TYPE V system by using both numerical simulation and experimental observation. Results showed that when the skin to core ratio is selected properly (say 30/70), the CSC structure can be observed clearly at central location for 30SFPP/30SFPP system. When the skin to core ratio and operation conditions are fixed, regardless of material arrangement (including 30SFPP/30SFPP; PP/PP; 30SFPP/PP; and PP/30SFPP systems), the morphologies of the CSC struc-tures are very close for all systems. This CSC structure can be further validated by using μ-CT scan and image analysis technologies perfectly. Furthermore, the influences of various operation parameters on the CSC structure variation have been investigated. Results exhibited that the CSC structure does not change significantly irrespective of the flow rate changing, melt temper-ature varying, or even mold temperature being modified. Moreover, the mechanism to generate the CSC structure can be derived using the melt front movement of the numerical simulation. It is worth noting that after the skin material was broken through, the core material travelled ahead with fountain flow to occupy the flow front. In the same period, the proper amount of skin material with certain inertia of enough kinetic energy will keep going to penetrate the new coming core material to travel until the end of filling. It ends up with this special CSC structure.
關鍵字:co-injection molding; Core-Skin-Core (CSC) structure; skin break through; lightweight technology; fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP)
通訊作者:Chao-Tsai Huang