Anti-Adhesive Resorbable Indomethacin/Bupivacaine-Eluting Nanofibers for Tendon Rupture Repair: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies
出版日期:2023-11-12 00:00:00
著者:Huang, Chao-tsai
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數:International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(22), 16235
摘要:The treatment and surgical repair of torn Achilles tendons seldom return the wounded tendon to its original elasticity and stiffness. This study explored the in vitro and in vivo simultaneous release of indomethacin and bupivacaine from electrospun polylactide–polyglycolide composite membranes for their capacity to repair torn Achilles tendons. These membranes were fabricated by mixing polylactide–polyglycolide/indomethacin, polylactide–polyglycolide/collagen, and polylactide–polyglycolide/bupivacaine with 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol into sandwich-structured composites. Subsequently, the in vitro pharmaceutic release rates over 30 days were determined, and the in vivo release behavior and effectiveness of the loaded drugs were assessed using an animal surgical model. High concentrations of indomethacin and bupivacaine were released for over four weeks. The released pharmaceutics resulted in complete recovery of rat tendons, and the nanofibrous composite membranes exhibited exceptional mechanical strength. Additionally, the anti-adhesion capacity of the developed membrane was confirmed. Using the electrospinning technique developed in this study, we plan on manufacturing degradable composite membranes for tendon healing, which can deliver sustained pharmaceutical release and provide a collagenous habitat.
關鍵字:anti-adhesion;drug-eluting nanofibers;tendon repair;sustained release
通訊作者:Shih-Jung Liu